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Glass Slides



  • A Walt Disney Donald Duck stock glass slide which surely must be a rarity.
  • Rare Aussie slide that I am very proud to own. Sandy Harbutt, who both directed and starred in Stone, passed away in November last year. I believe he had a comprehensive collection of memorabilia. Quentin Tarantino is a fan of the movie, and apparently Harbutt sent him an original 35mm print.
    One of the original Grave Diggers jackets was sold to a Japanese buyer about 10 years ago by another prominent Aussie collector.
    A prelude to Mad Max in many ways.

  • Sorry to hear of the passing of Sandy Harbutt. I had some email correspondance with him between December 2019 and April 1920.

     I will update my Stone contributions that I posted previously on Hondo's This And That thread with some more information on Sandy and Stone at a later date. 
  • Always keen to hear any Stone info. The release 1sht is one of the hardest posters to find for cult Aussie films.
    Quite a few 1970s actors leaving us. I watched My Name is Gulpilil last night & he'll be lucky to see Christmas. Always remember him in Storm Boy, which to me is an underrated film. Really captures that period in Australia. Pity they misspelt Gulpilil's name on all the Walkabout posters.
    Ghostbusters slide below. Have never seen an Aussie slide post-1984. I suspect they changed to trailers permanently at that date.

  • A couple of rare Australian slides. One in sepia and the other in black and white.

                 Southward Ho! With Mawson ( 1930 ).

                                    The Wizard Of Oz ( 1939 )

    Great Aussie design advertisement from October 6, 1937 for Gunn Slides.. 

     ( Everyones / Trove )
  • Wow, Hondo, I don't recall ever seeing a slide with the Off to See the Wizard song written out! Pretty darn cool!  Okie
  • okie said:
    Wow, Hondo, I don't recall ever seeing a slide with the Off to See the Wizard song written out! Pretty darn cool!  Okie
    Pleased you liked it. Welcome to the forum Okie. 
  •  (      )

    A Girl Of The Bush ( 1921 ).

    A very rare early example that is over a hundred years old, of an Australian glass lantern slide, An added bonus is that it is for an Australian made film.

    This film is also currently covered in my Rare Australia Posters Of Australian Films thread.
  • Another rare slide for Aussie film. Sold recently, but not mine.

  • Thanks for posting this extremely rare slide. I have never sighted any posters printed for this 1936 released film.

    A rare Australian glass slide image of 3 Roaring Romeos. This was originally titled in the U.S.A. in 1939 as being The Three Musketeers, as the above U.,S. glass slide shows.

     I cannot locate any posters or advertising material, apart from newspaper advertisements, for this film's Australian release, making the Australian slide super rare.
  •  ( Source unknown ) 
    The Pawnshop  ( 1916 ) rare Australian  glass slide. A re-release from National Films Of N.S.W. from an an undetermined year of release.
  • edited May 2023

     A rare On Her Majesty's Secret Service ( 1969 ) Austraian  slide that has well and truly seen better days.
  • You think they would add a bit more colour!

  • edited June 2023
    This slide was produced fo the Australian 1949 re-release. Is it possible that the full colour process didn't make it to this slide?

       ( Trove )
    A Sydney newspaper advertisement placed for the 22 December 1949 re-release. 

    The Australian 1949 re-release daybill that was printed in glorious colour.

  • Silver anniversary is 25 years. I think they hand-coloured those old emulsion slides. From 1970s on they were printed on celluloid, in colour. See NFSA site:
    The OHMSS slide above has heat damage from being left in the projector too long. Those old carbon arc projectors produced very high temperatures.

  • For anyone that perhaps hasn't seen this rare Australian glass slide previously on the Jedda titled thread, here it is now.

    The slide image is courtesy of Ric Chauvel Carlsson / NFSA ).

  • A rare Kid Galahad (1962) Elvis Australian glass lantern slide.
  •  ( Matt )
    An interesting glass lantern slide from the 1940s or the 1950s.  that I would like to comment on.

    Apart from the one showing Santa Claus, all the other cartoon images are Walt Disney characters. Initially I had thought that this slide was a Walt Disney / RKO produced slide, but quickly ruled this out as Disney never produced any serials.

    An educated estimate of the total running time has it as being between four and five hours in duration. The children attensing these sessions certainly would have more than received their money's worth in entertainment.

  • I did many of these as a kid.  My parents ran a family business and the theater was a block away.  Kept us out of their hair right up to closing time at 5.

    In the mid 50s, admission was a dime.  They made the money on the concessions.  The feature was usually something old and less popular.  Never Disney.  Serials from the 40s.  They also would run a reel or two of movietown news.
  • When I was a child the local cinema screened different double bill  programmes ,whenever the length of the main film made this possible, twice a week. Except for no screenings on a Sunday they presented a different programme Friday / Monday and then on Tuesday / Thursday.

    What you could normally look forward to seeing were two feature films, one or two cartoons, two newsreels ( Australian and overseas editions ) and at least four trailers.  It was a huge suburban theatre seating 1618 people that would normally screen superior double bill feature films on the supporting part of the programme than seen in the city. Often the supporting features were the main attractions when they had been originally screened in the city.

    These days at my local cinema you usually are subjected to twenty minutes of commercials , then finally two or three  coming attraction trailers then the feature film.
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