What movie come to your mind with the words “ orbit” and “metro” ?
This is another piece of concept art related to MGM films with an unknown artist. Initially, it seemed very similar to a 4-cent stamp, but the initials are different from the artist, and it has no connection to MGM, right? It's meticulously crafted and seems to reflect the artist's personality, so I'm really curious about who it might be. 🤔
None of your posted images appear to resemble anything appearing in any of these three films.
The artwork in question certainly resembles the actual real life Project Mercury (1958 - 1963) ballistic capsule. The word orbit certainly fits in with this also. The MGM artwork connection appears to be a complete mystery.
Thank you for delving deeper into the comments. It makes me wonder whether MGM's art department also took on outsourcing work besides making movies.