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I think these movie posters are rare, but I'm sure many here will know a lot more than I do.

Hi all.

 I know very little about “vintage/old” movie posters, but that’s why I’m here.

 I was born and live in South Africa.


In South Africa, the largest cinema chain that has been the dominant force in the country since the 1960's is called Ster Kinekor. (basically our version of AMC)

In 1977 I was 10 years old and loved going to the local Ster Kinekor theatre where my appreciation for movies grew.

My father was a friend of the local cinema manager and as a result, when a movie I loved ended its run at the theatre, he would, on my insistence, go and ask his friend if I could get one of the posters that was displayed in the snap frame lightboxes at the entrance.

As result of this I have the original one sheet movie posters for about 20 movies, the 10 most notable being: Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back (same image as Australian rare version), Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Goonies, Back to the Future, Wargames, Ghostbusters, ET the extraterrestrial and Tron.

I have tried to find out how Ster Kinekor got their overseas movie posters but there is very little information available. Vintage movie poster collecting is not a big thing over here.

I had assumed that in the 70's and 80’s the American printed posters would just be shipped to South Africa to be used here. This seems to be incorrect as most of the posters have "Ster Kinekor" printed on them as well as “litho by Chemix”. Chemix seems to have been the South African printing company that did the printing for Ster Kinekor. Ster Kinekor also used a purple ink hand stamp to stamp the movie name and “1 sheet” on the back of most of the posters.

All the posters I received from the cinema had been folded in such a way that when opened the creases form 8 blocks. I understand this was standard practice until 1985.

After I got the posters, I packed them, folded, in a sealed plastic folder, with the intention that I would one day have them framed to display. The only exception was “Raiders of the Lost Ark” which was left out of the folder and received the attention of silverfish.

I never got around to ever doing anything with them. They are basically in the same condition that they were in when the cinema manager handed them to me.

Now, forty plus years later, I am older and was "spring cleaning" to dispose of items I don't see myself ever getting a chance to use.

That is when I found the posters in an old storage chest of mine.

Most seem to be rare as they are the South African versions with small as well as bigger differences to their American counterparts

I am trying to determine their value as it appears that, without me realizing it, they have become very collectable and sought after. I started to "google" old movie posters once I found them;-) From my research, it seems only one South African Star Wars poster surfaced outside of South Africa, after a movie poster collector passed away in Cape Town a few years ago.

Anyway, I am including 10 photos I have taken of the ones I did list above.

I hope to learn more.


  • edited June 2024

    Accidently sent the reply before I had finished it. My response will follow shortly.
  • It is good t hear from you in South Africa. You certainly have a nice selection of posters there.

    Posters from South Africa are available to be viewed outside of your country on Google in very small numbers, compared to how many other World countries posters are seen in much large numbers.

    I have currently found that the same designed on sheet poster of Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom sold on forum member Bruce's website in the past for $375. Some of your poster titles would be worth much more than others. The varying differences in the designs to the American versions may also help to assist you if and when you decide to sell them. 

    Hoping Bruce will soon see your email and respond to it with his thoughts. Consigning your posters to him is a strong possibility for you to have a think about. If you haven't visited his website I suggest you do so. This website will provide you with details on all the U.S.A. one sheet versions availability of your titles, and the price ranges that the posters sold for.

    I hope this information may assist. 
  • Welcome!
    Alot of your posters have the same artwork as the US, so for most collectors, they will preferably (I think) pay more the US versions.
    However, most of your posters are for really popular films right now.
    The exception to this is the Star Wars posters.
    These collectors tend to be a bit nutty...and if South African versions of these posters are quite rare, they might be willing to pay alot.

    There is a facebook group dedicated to star wars posters...I suggest you join that and they can give you a good idea on their value as I think those will be the most valuable of the lot you have posted.

    For the others, as suggested by Lawrence...a compare of the US titles on will give you an idea of likely value, but do bare in mind it is rare for a non US poster with the same art to fetch the same as the US poster.
  • Nice collection. Consider consigning:

    Here is a handy checklist to help tell apart from all other major auctions!
    HAS lifetime guarantees on every item - IS
    HAS unrestored and unenhanced images - IS
    HAS 100% honest condition descriptions - IS
    HAS auctions where the winner is the higher of two real bidders - IS
    HAS "buyers premiums" - NOT
    HAS "reserves or starts over $1 - NOT
    HAS hidden bidder IDs - NOT
    HAS no customer service to speak of - NOT
    HAS "nosebleed" shipping charges - NOT
    HAS inadequate packaging - NOT

  • One other thing that may interest you Faraway is the rarity of South African film posters. On Bruces's website under a listing of posters sold by country, it has the U.S.A. listed as having sold 1500930 posters, followed by Italy with 80339 sold. After this there is a big drop down to South Africa in 34th place with having only 469 posters sold.

    I would also mention there will be a huge difference in the value of the ten posters. The value of the Star Wars posters compared to the Wargames one will be great. Interestingly there is currently a U,S, one sheet of Wargames currently being auctioned on Bruce's website. This poster as the attached image shows has different artwork. 

    The U.S. one sheet with this design has been previously sold by Bruce 117 times. The Australian one sheet also used the U.S. design as well.

     What makes your poster interesting is the different design. I actually prefer your version.

  • Very nice indeed. Your ESB would certainly gather some attention if auctioned as Bruce has already prompted.

    I'm also one of the Admins of the Star Wars poster group that Ves alluded to. Another SW poster reference source is

    Your ESB is listed, however from first glance there are a couple of notable differences to their reference shot. The lower border text and the rainbow colouring of the SK logo. Sadly I don't know much about SA origin posters myself, so would also advise you joining our FB group and posting your ESB and SW posters for more info.
  • That's certainly a nice selection of in-demand titles.
  • Oooooo very nice posters! Thanks for sharing. I hope to see MORE! 
  • Thanks to Hondo, Bruce and all the others who commented and provided me with information.  It is greatly appreciated.
    I will register at Bruce's website to get a better lay of the land.

    I am just amazed at the fact that there is nearly no information or images in respect of Ster Kinekor older movie posters online. All you find are images for the movies currently showing at the cinema.

    I also took a look at the ESB poster collectahollic referenced. I can only remember seeing the multicolored Ster Kinekor logo in print
    magazine ads for the movies, but I may be wrong. It is a long time ago.

    And as MonsterAGoGo asked so nicely, here are photos of a couple of more posters I received at the cinema.

    Thanks again all.

  • I have auctioned 387 South African posters. Many came to me from South Africa directly.


    I have never sold a vintage South African Star Wars poster, which is very good for you, because it is very unlikely the completionists have your posters.

    I believe I would get more for your posters (even after commissions) because EVERY major collector knows me and trusts me, and even if you could reach them all (very doubtful) they don't know you and can't be sure they can trust you.

    But I can only individually auction the ones that realistically auction for over $30 each.

    Contact me at if interested, and whatever you decide, the best of luck to you!

    Here is a handy checklist to help tell apart from all other major auctions!
    HAS lifetime guarantees on every item - IS
    HAS unrestored and unenhanced images - IS
    HAS 100% honest condition descriptions - IS
    HAS auctions where the winner is the higher of two real bidders - IS
    HAS "buyers premiums" - NOT
    HAS "reserves or starts over $1 - NOT
    HAS hidden bidder IDs - NOT
    HAS no customer service to speak of - NOT
    HAS "nosebleed" shipping charges - NOT
    HAS inadequate packaging - NOT

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